The COVID-19 pandemic has added a new sense of urgency to the pursuit of digital transformation objectives – and has compelled many companies to accelerate transformation efforts.


Given that digital transformation will appear differently for every business, it can be hard to come up with a description that is universally applicable. For the purposes of this definition, the integration of digital technology into all parts of business results in significant changes to the way firms operate and the way they provide value to customers. Above and beyond this, it’s about a culture shift that demands firms to constantly challenge the status quo, experiment frequently, and become at ease with failure. 


There are a variety of motivations for a company to embark on a digital transformation project. However, by far and away, the most likely reason is that they have no choice: it is a matter of survival. Following the pandemic, the ability of a business to respond quickly to supply chain interruptions, time to market demands, and rapidly changing customer expectations has become important

Transformations are difficult, and digital transformations are even more so.


Digital transformation is more than a simple trend; it is the integration of digital technology into all parts of a company’s operations, thereby radically altering the way it runs and adding value to the company’s customer experience. Customer satisfaction and internal efficiency are increased as a result of the enhancement of workflows and optimization of existing procedures.


Published On: December 16, 2021 / Categories: Articles, Startup, Tips /

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